Separation is often a challenging and emotionally charged time in a person’s life, usually accompanied by significant decisions regarding living arrangements. One common question that arises during this period is whether it is legally permissible to change the locks on a property after separation. Unfortunately, it is difficult to give a simple answer to this...

Navigating the complexities of parenting arrangements after separation or divorce can be challenging, especially when it involves moving house or travelling with children. The Family Law Act 1975 (Cth) and the Family Court Act 1997 (WA) (the “Family Law Legislation”) serve as the foundation for addressing issues related to the care of children after separation...

De Facto Superannuation Splitting

Why this new legislation is relevant for women For many years, Western Australian de facto couples have been unable to split or transfer their superannuation following separation. This has led to increasing injustice, particularly in cases where the couple owns a small asset pool and superannuation is the parties’ main asset. This situation often disadvantages...

“Why don’t they just leave” – Common thoughts you may be thinking (that don’t help) and how to actually help

Tips on how to start “the conversation” and providing genuine support to victims of domestic violence.   At Frichot Lawyers we have a strong team of family lawyers who work across matters dealing with aspects of large asset pools, complex family and children issues, and situations where family or domestic violence are prevalent. Governments are...

Domestic and family violence during and post Covid-19, and identifying the “markers” of an abusive relationship   Whilst Covid-19 restrictions begin to ease in WA, lawyers, counsellors and front line workers are starting to see a flood of family and domestic violence victims seeking support and access to legal services. Whilst the amount of families...

Parenting Orders

What you need to know in the midst of COVID-19 and how we can help  It is important for families to know that, despite the COVID-19 pandemic, the Family Court of Western Australia remains open. As matters currently stand, hearings and conferences continue to be listed and take place. Wherever practicable, they are being conducted...

Since the High Court of Australia handed down its findings in the matter of Thorne v Kennedy [2017] HCA 49, there has been much discussion as to what the implications of the decision are for binding financial agreements in Australia, with more than one headline rhetorically questioning whether the decision marks “the end” of BFAs...

Over the last decade, an increasing number of Australians are living in de facto relationships, while marriage rates have fallen.  Reflecting this societal change, the law was changed in 2009 (2002 in Western Australia) so that the same law now applies to separating de facto couples as applies to separating married couples.  Any financial dispute...

What you need to know about Child Support

Family law in Australia recognises that both parents of a child should be financially responsible for that child’s care, regardless of the parents’ marital status, their past or present relationships, or their involvement in the child’s life. The child support scheme in Australia is regulated through a number of laws, such laws which are administered...