Danielle Barker

Lawyer at Frichot
Frichot Floating 21

Get to know Danielle

As a lawyer at Frichot, I specialise in wills, estates and probate. My role involves providing advice and drafting legal documents regarding estate planning, estate administration, business and trust succession and estate litigation.

I aspire to bring a pragmatic approach to my clients’ estate matters, tailoring their estate plan to their individual circumstances and desired outcomes, whether that be providing for a blended family, reducing the likelihood of a challenge to their Will under the Family Provision Act, or establishing a testamentary discretionary trust for asset protection and tax flexibility.

Apart from enjoying the cappuccino strip and alfresco dining, working at Frichot Lawyers in Fremantle has provided me unique exposure to clients with fishing businesses, which involves complex trust structures and transferring Managed Fishery Licences and Fishing Boat Licences in deceased estates. I also enjoy being part of the warm, supportive environment at Frichot Lawyers.

Outside of work, I have volunteered for social justice ‘not-for-profit’ organisations that I am passionate about, such as Refugee Advice Casework Services, Everyday Justice, and Path of Hope Foundation.


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